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I’m All In or I’m All Out
I think we can all agree that missing that on your “off day” or “it’s not possible with my schedule” scenario would leave any one of us bummed. So what do you do when you’re out for the day… or too many days?

Staying Competitive Outside of Sports
As more states cancel recreational activities for adults and kids, we are stepping up to fill the gap.

If I Could Go Back in Time As a Kid
“…They entire body workout leads to better coordination and understanding of your body. It would have helped in every sport I did in some way.”

Runner’s Knee Prevention
Whether you’re getting back into the swing of things or the snows melting and running season is upon you. Do your body right by preparing the right way.

The Weights Don’t Have Feelings
“The weight doesn’t care how you feel or how your day went. It’s just an object that needs to be moved. You control how it moves and how it makes you feel.”
Reading Books in Cold Showers
I’m currently listening to a new book. You might’ve heard of it. The other day when I was driving to work and listening, a phrase

How To Make A Cool Down Treat, That’s Also Good For You
Usually, I’m pretty skeptical on any recipe that says it’s a healthier version of fast food or baked goods (paleo brownies, veggie crust pizza, etc.). I’m usually in the camp that if you’re craving something of that sort, there’s really no way around it.

Easy Killer, Take a Rest Day
Think about it this way, elite athletes and lifters will train for hours and hours a day just to add a pound or two to their squat. All on top of a strict diet and proper recovery, such as 8-10 hours a night of sleep. That is their job. That is how they make a living. But not us.

Why You Should Use Hook Grip
In olympic weightlifting, the hook grip is crucial. If you don’t hook grip, you’re going to miss lifts. A lot.